Increase the credibility of your hospital, maternity hospital and laboratory by using our quality products.
Pastik contains 70% Isopropyl Alcohol which is applied to a soft cotton swab, used for fixation before/after injection because it is very effective as a sterilizer/antiseptic on the skin.
Isopas is a soft cotton swab contains 70% Isopropyl Alcohol, as a means of preventing infection, used before injections and blood check.
Alkafil contains 70% Isopropyl Alcohol applied to hydrophilic gauze without bleach, is soft and porous. Alkafil is used in the baby's umbilical cord as a sterilizer/disinfectant.
Hexiswab Plus is a soft cotton containing 70% Isopropyl Alcohol and 0,5% Chlorhexidine Gluconate as a preventive tool against infection, used before injections and blood check.
Isopas Swab is a soft cotton swab as a preventive tool against infection, used before injections and blood check.
Kapolodine Swab serves as a preventive tool against infection, is used for sterilization/antiseptic before surgery and then applied to the area to be operated on.
Pastik Swab Plus functions as a prevention tool against infection, is used for sterilization/antiseptic before surgery and then applied to the area to be operated on.